Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wheat and the T word.

When politicians and other dangerous crackpots in society want to send us to war, they keep on about Chamberlain and appeasement prior to World War II. They tell us we should learn from history.
After the finish of the war, we accepted no excuses, such as "I didn't know" or "I was following orders". We hung them as quick as we could get them as we conducted the Nuremburg trials.

I personally don't believe in either nationalism or patriotism, whereever one currently is on Earth is where one belongs, and Government is there merely to service the people, who should NOT be there to service the Government.

Our "leaders" have contrary views to myself.On March 19th 2003 they led us to wage war on the hapless Iraqis.
From that day at least, any kickbacks to Iraq were payments to an enemy government.
That means officials who arranged these matters and politicians who either condoned, approved, or turned a blind eye to them are in fact by the politicians'own laws and parameters guily of treason.

We should learn from history: The evidence should be sought relentlessly as a matter of urgency and the full weight of the law brought to bear on the guilty parties.

Howard, Downer, and Vaille were amongst those who took us to war. I don't personally believe their declarations of lack of knowledge and the subtle inference of incompetence on their behalf. I believe that they cynically approved of the kickbacks.


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