Grateful Child
Blog ads!
The ads on my site are chosen by some clever software that examines the words in my posts.
Thus, when I criticised Roland, I got a Roland ad!
When I expressed disappointment in most of Eric Clapton's career I got flooded with Clapton ads. No doubt it will happen again when I publish this post.
I normally take each ad on face value, and find some are informative and relevant to the themes of my blogs, others, I wouldn't recommend in a pink fit!
Hopefully, you read my posts and take my criticisms into account and have them in the back of your mind when you click on the advertisers and go to their web pages.
Some of my recent posts have looked to the heavens in supplication, with a yearning for justice and support for some of the idealists still left on this planet.
I don't normally go so far as endorsing any of the advertisers, but I felt blessed when on a recent occasion I had an ad which when I checked it out knocked me out!
It was for a website:
It is a very high tech website.
In its own words, it is "dedicated to the children of the future, ... a promise of love, truth, charity and justice... and hope!"
I'm not sure if I would look at it with a slow dial-up modem, but it is full of quality music clips that play automatically in the background, links to arty movies, and high quality graphics.
Thematically, the site is anti war, pro environment, pro child, and very much pro love and compassion. And no, it is NOT a religious site!
The site has a hero of the month, this month the hero is a nine year old who carried his sister from Darfur to a refugee camp in Chad.
There are links to notable charities such as Amnesty International, Medicin Sans Frontiers, Greenpeace, the United Nations Refugee Agency, and significant music artists, such as Midnight Oil, Genesis, ELO, Pink Floyd, with heaps of video clips and links.
For the youngsters there is Walt Disney's Uncle Remus downloadable in installments, and riddles.
And statistics! On that infamous day, Tuesday September 11, 2001, at least 35,615 of our brother and sisters died from the worst possible death, starvation. This is typical of every day. Somewhere around 85% of these starvation deaths occur in children 5 years of age or younger. Homo sapiens, blatantly caused approximately 578 species of the web of life to go extinct. This extinction rate equals one species of life going extinct every 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
This site is both disturbing and inspiring, and has enough content to keep you hooked for hour after hour, and with the associated links, for day after day as well!