Monday, May 22, 2006

The End of Uranium.................

I have previously alluded to the End of Oil.
The Australian Government is now pushing a debate on Nuclear power.
It is reported if Australia decides to go nuclear, it will take a decade.

But the real motivation would seem to be more about a vision of grandeur as an economic power riding on uranium mining as oil supplies rapidly dwindle to exhaustion.
It would be a short ride at the top, and fraught with the dangers of invasion for a valuable but also dwindling resource. Which I guess is why we suck up to our imperialist masters for protection. They would just draw up a new "Trade Agreement" where we allow them to rip us off, because we couldn't say no. China or others would possibly have to attack us or fight against the U.S. for control and possession of our uranium.And despite the government slathering at the jowls at the prospect of a generation of riches from uranium mining, a generation is all it is likely to be.

I said it would be a short ride....

From London's "The Guardian" of 18th May 2006, which in turn is quoting Charles Kernot, mining analyst at Seymour Pierce in London, "There is a great expectation that there is not going to be enough uranium to feed the new nuclear power stations being built all over the world".

Given that globally there is roughly 20 years of easily extractable uranium at current usage, to push such a dangerous technology is extremely short-sighted.
In any event, given construction costs and looming rising extraction costs, the power delivered will be very expensive.In other words, by the time an expensive nuclear power plant is factored into an increasingly scarce and expensive fuel supply, only the rich will be able to afford heating and cooling.

I previously believed whoever started the Generational nomenclature at Generation X to be extremely short sighted, as there was little left of the alphabet to expand on. I now realise he was extremely astute, as Generation Z is likely to be the very last of the fossil generations. The following Generation A will probably be the first to grow up in a civilisation spiralling rapidly backwards to 1950, then 1920, and if not sufficiently astute, beyond!

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Monday, May 15, 2006

This cartoon says it all about nationalism....

Ok, the flag belongs to the United States of North America.
(I think it very arrogant of that nation to call itself the United States of America when apart from Canada and Mexico also in the Northern portion of the continent , the word America covers Central and South America as well!)

But Australia goes on with bullshit about Australian values and the ANZAC spirit and such to pander to the base instincts of our own version of a compliant neo-fascist government.
We spend enormous amounts on the various Institutes of Sport and Cricket Academy and such, to basically amuse the masses to distract them from real world issues. (To paraphrase Karl Marx, "Sport is the opiate of the Australian people"). There is a word to cover this hype: read my lips - PROPAGANDA!

With the phony war on terror as the excuse to introduce sedition laws and such, and the hammering by our politicians and their media cronies of the phrase "Australian values" we are going down the bullying path example set by the U.S of N.A. It is an insidious form of censorship where anyone who doesn't agree with the unwritten code of politically correct normality is intimidated into submission and silence.


The war on terror is a phoney war.
Yes, there has been Bali, 911 and such, but neither Oz or our imperialist mentors have dispatched troops anywhere to fight terrorists. At the time we attacked Iraq I don't recall Howard mentioning we were going there to fight terrorists in all his lying excuses.
Ok, Bush eventually promoted the idea in the U.S. , but look at the money the Yanks pour into TV evangelists. They are gullible enough to believe any crap and very slow to wake up to reality.
(Mmm, I don't think we are too different, at that!)

There has not been one genuine terrorist threat averted here or abroad by the new heavy handed laws that have attacked our civil liberties, nor would they have stopped attacks that have occurred.
The pre-existing laws were just as adequate, or, if the glass is half empty, the new laws will be just as inadequate.
In other words, the true purpose of the laws is to intimidate dissenters into silence or at best into cream-puff discussions.

Patriotism, nationalism, etc, serve no real purpose for the general populace. While we swallow this gumbo from the ruling elites, they are in fact moving our nations towards globalisation and the New World Order. We, as their puppets have less to show for a more insecure yet increasingly more demanding lifetime of toil. Our planet is ever more degraded and unattractive. Our women, our sick, and our unemployed are more degraded. We are still cannon fodder.
Capitalism is on the cusp of transition into a new phase, where capital will in fact matter less.
It will still be about power and control, but control of people and labour will be more to the fore and money less so.

The equation is simple. Lets call our ruler JimboCorp. JC needs more labour. They borrow workers from privatised but government endorsed prison systems. The modern equivalent of the chain gang is paid a nominal wage. The prison charges the prisoner for his lodgings, he comes out just as broke but possibly more bitter than when he went in.
JimboCorp needs more slaves (oops, workers) we arrest more. If JC is working on a huge project, we may have to introduce a few more laws.

If you think this is fanciful, consider the fact that the U.S. has the highest prison population in the world. (2,135901 as at 30 Dec 2004) and the highest rate as proportion of population (724 per 100,000).
U.S. incarceration rates by race, June 30, 2004:

* Whites: 393 per 100,000
* Latinos: 957 per 100,000
* Blacks: 2,531 per 100,000

Look at just the males by race, and the incarceration rates become even more frightening, June 30, 2004:

* White males: 717 per 100,000
* Latino males: 1,717 per 100,000
* Black males: 4,919 per 100,000 (4.92%!)

In Australia,the prisoner population in Australia has increased by more than 40% over the decade to June 2004. (The adult Australian population increased by only 15% in the same period.)

Indigenous people represented 22% of the total prisoner population as at 30 June 2005. Indigenous persons in Western Australia and South Australia were 19 and 13 times more likely than non-Indigenous people to be in prison.

According to a Jesuit report, "Much of the dramatic increase in the Australian prison population can be explained by the relationship between untreated mental health needs, subsequent illegal use of drugs as a form of self-medication, and the eventual intervention of the criminal justice system."

Do a Google! China had 1.43 million prisoners at a rate of 111 as of Oct 2002. It has a huge population, we go on about their civil rights, yet their ratio is much less!
Oil and coal are very rapidly getting scarcer. Nuclear power is a relatively short term option as the reserves of easily extractable uranium are limited.

If you still think this scenario is fanciful, feel free to comment. But please explain to me why a supposedly great, successful society imprisons so many, most of who are poor, black, and hispanic, and how, after all this, this society is meant to be a paragon for the whole planet!
And why I should believe the U.S. is a compassionate and virtuous world policeman!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Neil Young .... This isn't about money .....

Living With War is Neil Young's hastily recorded yet very classy and tight anti-Bush, anti-war and anti-thought police album.
It is available pre-release for streaming listening at
Quote: "Let's impeach the President for lying", and for "spying on citizens in their own homes breaking every law in the country / tapping our computers and telephones."
"Let's impeach the President for hijaaking our religion and using it to get elected... dividing our country into colours and still leaving black people neglected"
The song ends with sound bytes of Bush talking what has since been proved to be total shit.
Mr. Young wants the album heard as a whole. The online streams play through from beginning to end
"Even if it turns out that we can't sell it with the news in it, we won't sell it, we'll just stream it," he said. "We don't have to sell it. We can still get it out there. This has nothing to do with money as far as I'm concerned."

I have never been a Neil Young fan, but this album is great. Neil seems to say what he feels. In the 60's it was the excellent song about the poor unfortunate four dead in Ohio.
Since then, he has apparently supported Ronald Reagan and later the war on terror following 911. As the neocons used this event to speed up their anti-world imperialist big brother agenda, they became more and more blatant, and despite a compliant and fawning media, via word of mouth world-wide over the internet people began to see what really is going on, and have become very concerned and alarmed. The majority of Americans have taken longer than the rest of the world to wake up, but now there seems to be a groundswell. Neil Young is very passionately part of this groundswell. At heart he is still a Raa Raa flag waving Yank (yes, I know he is Canadian, but listen to his interview!), yet things have got to a stage where he feels complelled to speak out.
I don't believe in Nationalism myself, it is jingoistic and dangerous. At least Neil Young's is like Kris Kristofferson's, where the patriotism isn't blind, my country right or wrong crap, it is aimed at redeeming and improving his country.

Sample lyrics from Neil Young's upcoming

album, Living With War:

Back in the days of shock and awe

We came to liberate them all

History was the cruel judge of overconfidence

Back in the days of shock and awe

Back in the days of "mission accomplished"

Our chief was landing on the deck

The sun was setting on a golden photo-op

Back in the days of "mission accomplished"

-- from Shock and Awe

Don't need no Madison Avenue War

Don't need no more boxes I can't see

Covered in flags but I can't see them on TV

Don't need no more lies

-- from The Restless Consumer

Won't need no shadow man

Runnin' the government

Won't need no stinkin' WAR

Won't need no haircut

Won't need no shoeshine

After the garden is gone

-- from After the Garden

Lookin' for a leader

To bring our country home

Reunite the red white and blue

Before it turns to stone . . .

Yeah maybe it's Obama

But he thinks that he's too young

Maybe it's Colin Powell

To right what he's done wrong

-- from Lookin' for a Leader