ANZAC DAY 2007 War crazies out in force....
Is ANZAC Day beyond reproach? NO! The usurping of Anzac Day by our so-called leaders isn't merely about gaining political mileage. The media is complicit in aiding the power structure into bullying any opposition to the necessary unquestioned compliance with their need for militarism to meet their ends.
We hear a lot about graffiti, precious little about corporate graffiti which overlooks our highways and train stations and can be as offensive as it likes as long as it is there to earn a less than honourable dollar.
Yeah, the girls were insensitive in disfiguring a WAR memorial, but no, it is NOT the same as disfiguring graves, and perhaps they could use it on their resumes to get jobs in advertising, perhaps redesigning Howard's anti-terror posters that are placed where we can't ignore them.
To go on with the dying for freedom thing, some did, many did not.
Some soldiers may have been idealistic with fighting for freedom as a motive, but I remember a Viet vet who was called up, then had the OPTION to be sent over. He went, not for the country, but himself, because of the generous housing loan he would get for having served in a conflict zone. Many serving in
When there is conscription, many are so intimidated by the power structure and threats of reprisals, they will not say no, even if it kills them, which it often has.
I have sympathy for well meaning people using Anzac Day and the like for rememberance of dead and maimed comrades.
These people often are deeply religious, compassionate and well-meaning.
They are drowned in what are often dangerous, erroneous and often down-right stupid world views that those in trust design into them virtually from birth, right through their childhood and schooling. And subsequently never question.
If the child has any grit in the face of these overbearing pressures from older, socially stronger and (whether the perpetrator realizes it or not) bullying “authorities”, rebellion occurs. Most are not Che Guevera: rather, James Dean, rebels without a cause. Reacting, rebelling, may be right, but the methods are often self-destructive and pointless. A hedonistic lifestyle of booze, drugs, sex, rock’n’roll, rap, say “you have loaded me with crap!”
There is a feel good factor, but no lasting betterment of the world, society, or even of the rebel.