Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The skill that most musos (except for piano and or...

The skill that most musos (except for piano and organ tuners!) lack is a trained ear!
Would you just love to be able to accurately recognise the correct pitch of a note that you hear, and to be able to recognise intervals and chords? You would never need to buy sheet music or look up chords on web pages again, and be able to play most things you wish mistake-free, (if your chops are up to it, of course!)
I have here a link to ear training software: Functional Ear Trainer Basic, and Functional Ear Trainer Advanced, and both these programs are freeware!

If Brett has sold you Band-in-box 2005, click on the icon that has an eighth note preceding an ear, and it will open up the Ear Training Program in Band-in-a-box, which was a ground-breaking program that has got better and better over the years.

I have just looked at the PG website and Band-in-a-box 2006 has recently been released, and (co-incidence!) it has enhancements to the Ear Training feature.

It also has ASIO support, I think I'm a bit wary of what that means to me!


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